Calgary’s Leading Vein Treatment Clinic
Whether you're looking to treat unsightly or painful veins or simply looking to make some cosmetic changes, our clinic can help you. Our experienced staff members are here to make you feel comfortable and help you feel and look good in your skin.
About The Vein Treatment Centre (VTC)
Experienced Team
Our team is highly experienced in the treatment of varicose and spider veins, along with cosmetic treatments. We are here to help you feel and look great in your skin.
What Makes VTC Different?
VTC is unique in it’s ability to provide the full spectrum of modern treatment options from minimally invasive options all the way up to surgery. This allows us to create a customized care plan based on the needs and goals of the patient that isn’t limited by the services we can provide. We are a true specialty clinic with an unmatched expertise in vein care.
Over 30 Years Of Vein Treatment Experience
Dr. Douglas Hill, brought EVLA to Canada in 2002, and is renowned for his experience. The clinic is highly experienced in vein treatment, and can help you find the right treatment protocol for you. No matter how severe or minimal your veins are, we can help you find a solution.

What Are Varicose Veins? Varicose veins are enlarged, deformed, superficial veins in which blood flow is slowed or even reversed compared to the normal venous circulation.
The Vein Treatment Centre specializes in the treatment of varicose veins. Our doctors and staff are highly experienced and qualified in the treatment of spider veins as well. Let The Vein Treatment Centre provide you with the best possible care and most appropriate treatment solution for your specific situation.
Vein Treatment Services
Endovenous Laser Ablation is the modern Gold Standard choice for treating venous reflux.
VenaSeal treats varicose veins using a body safe adhesive to quickly seal up veins.
Ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy is used to treat veins that are difficult to see and inject.

Calgary’s Leading Vein Treatment Specialists
Ready to finally do something about your varicose and spider veins? Contact our Calgary-based office to book a consultation and figure out your best vein treatment option.